A little about me…

My name is Haley Dessauer and I am a fine art painter based in White County, Illinois, specializing in oils, watercolor….and the occasional mural.

I have no special credentials to list here. No gallery showings. No schooling in the art sphere. In fact, watching me paint is probably downright frustrating since I basically learn through my MANY mistakes. However, if you are interested in how my art started and where it is going…read on!

I have been creating art from the moment I could hold a crayon. I don’t recall getting bored often as a child, specifically because there was always something that needed to be created and always a surface to do the creating nearby, whether it be on a sidewalk or napkin. I had a BIG imagination that never seemed to slow down. Not only did art help me to make those imaginings visible for others to see, but it also helped my mind to just sorta…stop…be still, and pay attention to something other than myself.

At the age of 17, I received my first set of oil paints along with a thrifted “Paint with Bob Ross!” book. While I enjoyed creating art up until this point, there was something about that first set of oil paints that made me get a little more serious about things. Since I was homeschooled at this time, I was able to pursue this passion with little time constraints and was rarely found without a paint smudge on my skin or clothing.

If you’ve known me for a while, you probably know that I am unapologetically in love with the Catholic faith. Once I picked up the oil paints, I felt an immediate desire to share this love of my faith through my art. Religious figures, such as the Blessed Virgin Mary were my favorite to paint. Likewise, portraits and wildlife provided me the opportunity to marvel at the beauty of God’s creation.

Life after high school was a quite a whirlwind. I earned my Bachelor’s in Elementary and Early Childhood Education, got married, and became a mom to three beautiful children. Life was BUSY and painting became an occasional hobby. I painted as time and motivation allowed…but what was once a waterfall turned into a slow trickle as I very ungracefully tried to figure out how to be an adult.

It wasn’t until pregnancy with our third child that I realized I wasn’t using this talent as I should. Almost simultaneously with this realization, I received a commission from a complete stranger who had seen an old (and perhaps one of my worst!) pieces of art. It took some time to figure out how to fit painting into life with three small children, but we eventually got there!

Painting is now a great balancing act that never feels quite balanced (nor should it!) But one that strengthens my prayer and my relationship with Jesus. I am constantly reflecting on the lives of Saint Zelie Martin and Saint Elizabeth of Trinity. Saint Zelie was known to stay up until 1AM in the morning needling lace to support her family, while Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity, on the other hand, was called to place her musical talents aside for a time and offer them back up to the Lord. Knowing when to use one’s talents and when to set them on a shelf for a time is hard…I pray I may have the grace to recognize these different seasons when they come along.

So where is my art at now? Well, time is precious as a mom to three small children, and I’d like to spend the little bit of time I get to paint intentionally and prayerfully. Thus, I’m choosing to once again focus significantly more on Christian Sacred Art having already seen a beautiful ripple effect in my prayer life and that of my family.

I hope to work towards art that speaks of Christ’s mercy, compassion, and love. Art with the intent to draw viewers into a deeper prayer life. I don’t think I’m there yet. (I’ve only really dipped a toe into the “sacred art” sphere.) But I’m so excited to see where this leads.

Peace to you and yours,

Haley Dessauer